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Archaeological Field School

NSU Archaeological Field School at Fort Jesup, Sabine Parish, LA, 2008. Photograph by Dr. Tommy Ike Hailey.

The Northwestern State University archaeological field school teaches the techniques and skills necessary for systematic investigations and analysis of archaeological sites. Students are instructed in field excavations techniques, archaeological site prospecting, mapping, artifact analysis and identification, proper note taking and handling of recovered materials.

Archaeological field school is offered on an intermittent basis with the most recent courses instructed in the spring of 2008 and the spring of 2010. Past schools have been held at Los Adaes, the site of a 18th century Spanish presdio and mission in Natchitoches Paish, LA and at Natchitoches National Fish hatchery site, a 17th century Native American site along the banks of Cane River in Natchitoches Parish, LA.